Category: Business

How RFID technology can help your business

RFID, or a Radio Frequency Identification tag, is the technology that is used by the businesses for tracking the products. With the assistance of the top tier IT infrastructure services in Singapore, RFIDs are becoming increasingly popular. These are tiny chips that are attached to the products. With a tag, consisting of an antenna and a tiny integrated circuit, the tag passes the identity, when it is close to the reader so that the presence of the product can be recorded. This way, it helps the businesses in their supply chain process and manufacturing process. The management of products become much easier.

RFID is widely used across the various sectors of businesses. From vehicle tolling to car immobilizers, even patients at a hospital are tagged with RFID. Such technology can be found at MSC Consulting Pte Ltd.

Self-tracking of products

With RFID, the products can be self-tracked, and this helps the businesses in tracking the assets and managing the production along with shipments.


RFID technology is quite beneficial to the healthcare industry, where it is used for tracking the medical instruments. When the tracking becomes so easy, it can have a greater impact on the safety aspect of the employees. Also, with an accurate tag reading, the time and effort involved in lifting the right products is saved.

One can also use the RFID technology for capturing and storing the history of a product. All the service-related issues of a product can be captured and stored for future reference.

Manufacturing process

For the businesses that are involved in manufacturing, RFID technology can reduce the manual work and costs. It can also improve the planning and visibility.

Warehouse Management

It can help in faster locating of products and in planning the locations for the products in a strategic manner. So, real-time information can be provided to the management at all times.

Distribution Process

It helps in improving the efficiency and accuracy of the supply chain, so the delivery process is also speed up. This, in turn, results in reduced distribution costs.


With the help of RFID, the shipping containers can be easily tracked and managed, which can result in safer transportation and lower costs.

With the help of IT infrastructure services in Singapore, the companies can get the RFID implemented and reap huge benefits out of it. RFID can be quite beneficial for the businesses, as it can save a lot of time and effort for them. The asset tracking of the products can help the businesses in managing their inventory accurately. Using the right technologies can help the businesses to grow manifold, within no time.

How to implement an ERP software without failing

One of the goals of every organization is to have a system where information can be retrieved in the shortest period of time. But what do you do when the information you require from your central database isn’t easily accessible? What do you do when your current system can no longer support your business needs?

Transition from one stage to another isn’t always easy. It’s just like an emergency relocation to another city with all your properties; sometimes, your important things get damaged. But if you have done careful preparation, all your items have the tendency of being safe. It is the same for an organization that wants to implement a new Enterprise Response Planning (ERP) software such as one from MSC Consulting.

The success of this implementation lies in its preparation or planning in moving from the old to new system. The implementation of the software requires changes in the current system and depends on a number of factors such as: the size of the organization, the budget of the organization, the number of modules required, and the time frame of the change process. No matter the factor, we got you covered in this article because a well designed implementation plan is the key to success.

Consultation or selection of team: Some organizations prefer to source for consultants to carry out the responsibility of studying the current system and designing what the new system should be like. Because of low budget, some organizations select their own team which may comprise staff from different departments. One of the reasons for implementing a new ERP software in an organization is because the current system has limitations or has become outdated and gets difficult when it is being used. Knowing when to make an implementation is vital. The team must answer questions such as: is the cost of maintaining the old system higher? Is the software outdated? Is it faster to do work manually when compared to the system? Lack of understanding of what is required will lead to the failure of the implementation.

Software Vendor selection: looking for the right ERP vendor is vital and this will be based on the report of the consultant or team. Since each ERP software has its uniqueness , you have to choose the one which will perfectly solve the problem at hand. In choosing a vendor, you must check their records and years of experience, not forgetting reviews from other clients. The vendor should provide at least three clients they have worked with so as to be sure they have the ability to perform the implementation.

Implementation: This begins when there has been an agreement between the organization and the software vendor. Implementation should be in phases, to ensure smooth transition. The implementation comes with a lot of changes, therefore the organization must be in pace with that change.

Training: After implementation, there should be a training session with the team members of the project or those who will be in charge of the system. Training should not only be documented, but must be a physical practical session for those involved. Learning to operate a new system takes time, therefore enough time should be allocated to it to ensure smooth operation. There should be an operational support group which will be available, in case other employees need to be taught.